6 Good Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads

" on August 17, 2021 by Ted Vrountas in Google Ads 

If you’re an advertiser who wants to start capitalizing on the astronomical number of searches that take place on Google daily, and quickly earn the attention you need to grow your bottom line, there’s no better way to start than by signing up to use Google Ads" .

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google’s online advertising program, the program which allows you to create online ads to reach audiences that are interested in the products and services you offer. The Google Ads platform runs on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, i.e. you only have to pay every time a visitor clicks your ad.

But there are so many advertising mediums and methods out there. It can be hard to determine which is a good fit for your business. Influencers and salespeople are always telling you to invest in this and invest in that without actually explaining why and how to do that.

6 Google Ads benefits For Your Business or Services.

So you want to know the answer to “Why use Google Ads Today?”

There are plenty of big benefits. But Here are just a few.

1. Google’s massive reach
Today Google has elevated itself beyond a brand to a verb. The term “Google” is actually defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary, bigger than all social media you can ever think of.

why use Google Ads MW

And that’s because, now, when people have a question that needs answering without doubt head over to Google first.

Want to know if there’s a solution for that leg pain you’ve been having?

Google it.

Want to know if there’s a tool that makes good book-keeping for your business?

Google it.

The search engine handles an obscene  over 2 trillion searches like these per year. That’s over 5 billion searches per day, imagine you could show your ad to 1% of this people in a year..

Among those are people looking for solutions to problems that your business can offer. If they’ve ever used the internet, chances are they’ve Googled the answer to something. And if you can help them find the answer / solution , even if it’s with an ad, they’re more likely to choose you than your competitor.

2. Capabilities that allow for a range of targeting

With Google, there’s something for every business and every prospect at every stage of a buyer’s journey.

Bidding on keyword search terms like “book-keeping software” will show your ad to prospects at the earlier stages of the product research process and allow you to fill the top of your funnel with two really simple but powerful techniques:

Capture their information of course, name & email or maybe their phone number with your post-click landing page and start sending them informative content that proves your authority in that which you do.
Those who didn't convert on first click, create and run retargeting ad to draw them back until they do close as sales.
Another powerful technique for adding to your customer base is bidding on long-tail keyword search terms like “accounting software for freelance marketers.” These generally are less expensive, and they’re worth it for capturing the attention of people who are looking for exactly what you offer. Most times people who search long, specific strings of keywords have more intent. And intent is what makes the people you reach on Ads so valuable (more on that next.)

3. Harness intent

The biggest difference between the people you’re reaching with Google Ads and the people you’re reaching with other forms of advertising is their intent.

On social media, for example, people aren’t looking to be advertised to. They’re not looking for solutions to the issues that plague their everyday lives. They’re looking for baby pictures and vacation photos and family updates. And when you advertise to someone who doesn’t want to be advertised to, there’s a better chance you get tuned out.

On the search network, though, you’re not advertising to people who don’t want to be advertised to. You’re advertising to people who are looking for something specific, like the best post-click landing page platform for agencies:

why use Google Ads agencies

And when your ad appears, it helps them find the answer instead of interrupting their online browsing experience.

Some experts even consider search ads a form of inbound marketing as opposed to outbound advertising because they assist someone who has taken the first step to look for it. Using Ad, let prospects come to you, then help them find answers, and you’ll position yourself to earn their business when they’re ready to pull out their wallet.

4. Maintain full control of your campaigns at all times

You used to have to jump hurdles and bust through thick red tape to run ad campaigns that reach as many people as Ads can. Beginning and ending those campaigns would take time and resources that could be better used elsewhere.

On the other hand, buying ad space with software — also known as “programmatic advertising” — is easy for even one properly trained employee to do. With some education, they’ll be able to start and stop campaigns, reach the right people for the right price, and do it all instantaneously. That way, you can allocate your resources and your time to other pressing initiatives.

5. Bring any budget to the table

why use google ads most expensive keywords?

But most keywords don’t cost so much. And even if they do, an advantage to using Ads is able to put constraints on your daily budget, maximum bids, and more. That way, you can be confident that even if you’re not monitoring your account like a hawk, you’ll never spend more than you want to. Says Dinesh Thakur:

You have full and thorough control over the budget of your Google Ads campaigns. Where you can control everything starting from the maximum bid on the ad to the daily budget of the campaign.

You can also decide how much you want to spend each month and adjust the budget based on the performance graph. When an ad is performing extremely well, you can increase the ad spend on it to increase the desired results. It works in reverse to decrease ad spend on an underperforming ad. But you can also stop it instantly before losing another dime.

6. Build brand awareness

When people hear “Google Ads,” they think mostly of driving traffic through pay-per-click ads on search engine results pages. But, Google’s ads are more versatile than that. They can also be a great tool for building brand awareness — something that research shows is what the highest performing marketers prioritize:

why use Google Ads brand awareness

Before we explain, let’s explore briefly what the word “brand” means. Decades ago, David Ogilvy offered maybe the best definition:

”The intangible sum of a product’s attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, its reputation, and the way it’s advertised.”

Reinforcing your brand name, personality, reputation, etc., are all necessary to build trust with your visitors. The more you repeat these things consistently, the stronger your brand becomes, and the more trust you earn with prospects. And trust is what will ultimately earn you purchases and loyal customers.

Through the Ads search network, even if potential customers aren’t clicking, they see your brand, your tagline, what you offer, and whatever else you use your copy and extensions to showcase. And through the Ads display network, you can even prioritize brand awareness by choosing to show your ad to more people. Than focus on clicks or conversions (more on bidding strategies in a bit.) Both strategies allow advertisers to reinforce their business’s critical attributes, and in turn, strengthen its brand.

Are A Good Business The Multilevel Business?

This question boggles the minds of many people who are faced with Multilevel Marketing, Multi-Level Marketing or Multilevel Marketing, whether they are nutrition, health, beauty or wellness products companies (like Herbalife, Omnilife, 4Life, NuSkin, MonaVie, Zrii, Agel, Xango, Evolv, Amway, Organo Gold or USANA) or service companies (such as Primerica, YTB, Traverus or Pre-Paid Legal).
Some people are quite skilled and throw themselves at the proposal without thinking. But there are other types of individuals, most of them really, who require more information thanks, ironically, to the disinformation that the people they trust the most (usually family and friends) have on the subject.
And it is clear that no one who really loves us wants something bad for us. However, this "undocumented protection" of people who do not know about Multilevel Business, or that only locates them by the typical "It's that I have a friend that was ...", generates misinformation and mistrust of neophytes who are really anxious to Take a different direction in their lives.
The information on Multilevel Business is abundant thanks to books, seminars, videos and the direct reference of people who work this business system with different results.
However, there is a very large margin of people who have no idea what Multi-Level Business is and, despite this, believes that "know what they are like", the classic comparison is the Multi-Level Business and Pyramid ( An illegal system in which people's money is routed under the promise of giving them a much larger amount).
The objective of this space is to differentiate both things in a clear, honest and forceful way, and to clear the doubts about whether Multilevel Business is a good opportunity for you or not.

What is a Multilevel Business (Marketing Network)?

Robert Kiyosaki, an expert in Finance, clarifies his vision of Multilevel Business.
Why take Kiyosaki's opinion into account?
Because he did not become rich through any Multilevel Business, but even rejected them at first. Therefore, its proximity to the subject is not biased by any personal interest.

5 steps to developing a business plan

A business plan is essential for every entrepreneur, but if it is your first time doing one, it can be tricky. Business owners discuss when they refer to how long it should be, but usually with a page you can cover all the needs at the beginning and organize to start.

Do not worry, you can not go wrong when you start with a one page plan and you are adding things as your business grows. Just remember that the worst business plan is the one you never took the trouble to write. Do not let fear keep you from starting.

Here are five easy steps to creating a one page business plan:

1. Begin with your vision.

Start the plan thinking about the end. You must communicate in front of where you want to take your business to set the tone of your plan. Do you want to make it grow for you to sell? Do you want it to be a legacy that lasts a lifetime? What is your great focus for the ultimate goal? It is important to start with the last stage in mind. Your vision should sum up that too.

2. Formalize your mission.

You know what your vision is, now you need to describe what you are going to do to get it in a brief and accessible way. You must show this statement so that you and your team can see it and remember why they do what they do every day.

3. List your goals.

Think of them as bullets that you plan to accomplish. For example, "Master at least 10% of my niche market by 2016" or human resources goals such as "Hire a full-time graphic designer by the end of the year." It should be the big goals you want to achieve with a specific time to do it.

4. Set your strategies.

These will describe how you plan to achieve your goals. What is a marketing plan? Sales Strategies? Would you devote your time to research and development? What strategies will you follow to achieve your goals?

5. Create an action plan.

You have the objective, you have decided to use a strategy, what steps will you follow to ensure that your business maintains that momentum to reach it and achieve the manifestation of your great vision? They should be short-term actions and daily tasks, things you can start doing now to reach your final goal.

Top 8 Advantages of Multi Level Marketing

Thinking about starting a business? Do you need extra money? In this article I will explain to you 8 reasons to consider multilevel marketing or network marketing as one of your options.

It took me over a year to convince myself of the many advantages offered by the Network Marketing industry. I did not want to believe and I answered: Multilevel? That's not for me. I want to be an entrepreneur, not a saleswoman. I want to have my own business. I do not plan to go door to door offering products ...

One day I signed up. But just to help my sister. However, I was curious and began to investigate. I read several books, I studied with Robert Kiyosaki, with Jim Rhon, Mike Dillard, Katie Freiling and many more. I also asked Google, Yahoo and the other "sages" of the Internet.

I found statistics that show the millions of people that day by day decide to be part of a network of marketing and I could realize that thousands of them are making millions of dollars.
Did you know that currently the multilevel industry moves 120 billion dollars a year? That more than 57 million people in the world participate of them and that is present in more than 200 countries? (Source: Direct Selling Association

All this I loved. As I researched, it convinced me that it was worth studying more and more about network marketing. It started to seem like a serious business to me.

I worked "full time" for 20 years in my country, Colombia. Then, 3 years in Australia and in the United States for about 5 more years. Believe me, I know what it means to have all your time sold. So the idea of ​​using it again scared me too much. I was looking for a way to have my own business, to be independent. But I did not have the resources. I thought about joining to do business and I came to form an LLC Corporation here in the United States along with my brother. But everything was at too high a risk! Employees, taxes, rent, services, etc. etc. And, what if it did not work ... ???

Here are some of the great advantages I found in the network marketing industry:

1.- It requires very little investment (between $ 80 and $ 1,500 dollars). It depends on the network you choose, but according to my research, it is not more than that.

2.- It is a very low risk business. Low investment means low risk.

3.- With the marketing networks you can obtain high profitability.
This is fully tested. People who earn $ 40,000 a month ... Maybe you'll say that's just a few ... .. Yes, like everything. It depends on you. If you are not willing to try ... Nothing you will get. Success is not for the "lazy". However, there are millions of people around the world who are living a better quality of life thanks to network marketing.

4.- You can start and develop it without giving up your full time job, if you have one.

5.- You can start generating profits from the beginning, while you train and become a professional in this industry.

6.- You work and learn "shoulder to shoulder" with your team, in a positive "win-win" environment. Everyone helps you because everyone is interested in you doing well.

7. Marketing networks are a safe way to help and serve others.

And, here goes the best!

8. Persistent or knot, for as long as you stay, you will have won a lot for yourself. Because day by day this profession demands you to be a better person. He continually challenges you to do your best. In fact, on the way you discover that the only way to reach the top is to become a GREAT PERSON!

Marketing networks are a real opportunity, there are many options to choose from. The Multilevel Business is the best current alternative for people who are convinced that we deserve to enjoy quality of life. Those who have finally understood that we deserve the best! A life full of economic well-being, satisfaction and personal value.

Marketing Networks are made for enterprising, determined, persistent people, focused on achieving success in this life and dimensions for eternity. People who are not willing to settle for the little. For those who do not settle for having a secure job. People who are willing to take the risk, they are determined to achieve excellence!

Do you think the advantages that a marketing network offers you?

If so, I advise you to close this page immediately. This is definitely not for you.

But if you are interested in what you have read so far, I invite you to know much more about this profession. Leave me a comment and I'll be responding to your email.

Sign up for my FREE course right now! And will teach you a really effective way to start producing your business, MLM, MLM, Network Marketing, Network Marketing, or whatever you know it.

How to use Facebook for your company: marketing tips and tricks

Although statistics point out that the balance is bending in favor of tools like Instagram and Snapchat among the younger generations, Facebook still dominates the market.

With 1090 million users logging in daily (a year-on-year increase of 16%), Facebook continues to be the most popular social network. This figure is more pronounced on mobile devices, where Facebook tops the list with 77% of all social networking logins.
If you want to make sure that the contents of your company reach the eyes and ears of consumers, having a strong presence on Facebook is fundamental. But to get the most out of your Facebook page (that is, to attract and captivate visitors, drive them to your website and turn them into sales leads, and ultimately customers), you have to optimize your presence on Facebook.

We know that learning all the functions of the various social networks can be a feat and can take a lot of time, especially if we take into account that every two by three are added, removed and modified characteristics.

To help you get ahead of these moves, we've compiled a handy tip sheet that will help businesses and marketers make the most of Facebook. The list is divided into three main categories depending on your goals when using Facebook.

Tips for your Facebook page on Facebook

1) Create a business page; Not a personal profile.

First, you must create a company page (not a personal profile) that represents your brand. The pages resemble personal profiles but have exclusive tools for companies, brands and organizations. Your followers can "like" the page to see updates in their news section, something that can not be done with personal profiles.

With this, not only will you increase the potential of your company on Facebook, but even goes against the Terms of Service Facebook use a personal account representing something other than a person, as in the case of a company. If you have already created a profile for your company, you must convert it into a company page. Here you can see how to do it easily.

2) Claim a custom URL for your page.

Once you've created your business page, it will be assigned a random number and URL. E.g., To make your page easier to share and find, you'll need to create a recognizable custom URL, such as

To create a custom URL, sign in to Facebook, go to and follow the instructions.

3) Use a striking cover photo.

Facebook page design allows you to place a cover photo of 851 x 315 pixels at the top of your business page. You'll need to optimize the cover photo to capture the attention of new visitors, encourage them to explore your page and learn more about your brand, and optimize the page for the Facebook mobile app; And all this while respecting the guidelines for Facebook pages.

Learn everything you should and should not do with your Facebook cover photo in this post.

4) Add a recognizable profile photo.

Choose a profile photo that your visitors can easily recognize, such as your company logo or an image with your face if you are an advisor or your company is one-person. Being easily recognizable is extremely important for people to find you and "like" your page, especially in the search for Facebook. Your profile picture appears at the top of the Facebook page and it is the thumbnail image that is displayed next to all the updates on your page, so choose wisely.

When choosing a photo, keep in mind that the dimensions of profile photos on Facebook are 180 x 180 pixels (although the photo will have 160 x 160 pixels on desktop computers).

5) Optimize the "information" section (especially the preview).

The "information" section is one of the first places people see when they visit your page. There is a preview to the left of the page, below the profile photo. People can also view the entire section by clicking on the "info" tab at the top of the page.

Be sure to optimize the preview section to the left of the page with brief but descriptive information to give visitors an idea of what your page and your company are about before deciding whether to "like" you. The text will be extracted from the "brief description" that you provide in the complete "information" tab.

6) Get the "high response level to messages" badge.

If you respond quickly to the majority of users who send you messages on Facebook, you can get the badge called "high response level to messages". You'll see the badge under the cover photo if you've had a response rate of 90% and an average response time of 15 minutes in the last seven days.

If you respond to messages but have not managed to get the badge, Facebook will still display your response rate to visitors. Here is an example of the Zappos page:


If you do not respond to messages so often, nothing will appear. So, even if you do not respond is not the end of the world, having that badge will let users know that your company is attentive to their needs and worries.
By the way, you can do many things with the "messages" tool of Facebook for companies. We recommend you explore it and make the most of Facebook as a communication and help tool.

7) Add milestones.

The "Milestones" feature allows you to highlight some of your company's main achievements, such as prizes, product launches, important events and other awards. The most recent milestones will be published in your biography and users will be able to see them in the "information" tab.

To add milestones, click on the "biography" section of your page and then click on the "offer, event +" option in the page refresher composer near the top of the page.


Before launching your product to the market it is better that you are sure that it is not an occurrence; Experts list the basic conditions that a high tech enterprise must fulfill.

Before Google was what it is someone thought it would be a good idea to bet on economic and human resources, however, had to pass a validation process to confirm that it would solve a need in the market.

But how to know that an idea is not just an occurrence and has the potential to become a business, and even more, in a technology business?

At the outset, there are certain characteristics that a project must meet to be considered high technology or intermediate technology. "We are forced to identify that there is the insertion of a truly innovative knowledge that comes to the market, in order to solve a need", explained the manager of the Center for Incubation of Technological-based Companies of the National Polytechnic Institute.

Entrepreneurships aimed at developing mobile applications, for example, are classified as intermediate technologies because they do not create or patent any new technological products, but rather use existing technologies.

Meet the Lean Startup method, Silicon Valley favorite

The experts have key factors that facilitate the process that generates the idea of a technology company to become a product or service.

Incubators have methodologies to conceptualize businesses related to technology, such as design thinking, 360 innovation, ideation, innovation games. The experts then share some of the main elements of these processes:


According to Rafael Castillo, director of the High Impact Incubator and Business Accelerator of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, the first thing that every entrepreneur must do is detect an opportunity in the market that will be satisfied with the technology to be developed.

Thinking first in the market and then in technological development is not the common thing. The experts consulted agree that generally inventors or technologists focus on their research, on publishing an article or developing something in basic science but are not interested in the market.

Even in more developed entrepreneurial environments, such as the United States, this cleavage between the laboratory and the market usually occurs. There is a cultural challenge in changing the view of scientists that their innovation can transform the world out of a laboratory, said Philip H. Phan of Johns Hopkins University's Carey Business School, within the framework of the International Leadership Forum in Health.

You should ask the customers, identify the target market and ask before if it is what interests them, "they tell you everything how, when, where, at what price. And you already create something like your market because you will have a greater probability of success, "said Rafael Castillo.


After having the idea or the innovative development, you must validate its commercial relevance, technical and economic viability, ie if there is a market, how long it would take to develop it and the resources that would be needed.

With market studies you must know what is available to know if there is an unmet need or if consumers actually get what they are looking for. That helps to show the entrepreneur, however wonderful and unique that he thinks his product is, there are actors who already compete with products equal or even better than yours.

"Entrepreneurs usually tell you my product is unique and the moment you start to search it is that there is a jet and a long time ago, explained in an interview the director of the Tec de Monterrey Monterrey Business Incubator Monterrey, Víctor Melgarejo Zurutuza.

These studies show that there is indeed a really new application or that there is a potentially interesting commercial demand. If not, the modifications are made as the market wants.


With the validated idea is generated the alpha prototype, the first version of the product to be developed, which must be tested in a real segment of the market. Not all incubators support this, some request an already tested alpha prototype. In the Technological Base Incubation Center of the IPN do offer this service in which it is linked to the productive sector from the first stage, especially if a greater infrastructure is required.

"That already implies a negotiation of a particular way with the entrepreneurial team, to know if it will be debt to pay or if it will give capital contribution to the company that provides machinery", explains González Piñón.

The first prototype is followed by others, called beta of second, third and subsequent generations that adapt the requirements of the market to have a product that is validated in the real market and be the one that the entrepreneur offers when he starts to operate.

It is very difficult for the scientist or technologist to achieve commercial success for himself. We all need support, and that's where the experience and variety of the startup team can make a difference.

Depending on the entrepreneurship, there must also be specialists in finance, administration, marketing and communication, who will help generate new strategies when the company is already operating and requires agility and ingenuity to maintain.
With a finished product already, strategies must be generated to scale it in the market. The entrepreneur should not lose sight of the fact that in the end it is a business in which he must know how quickly he will be monetized to continue to improve his development.

Technoloical entrepreneurship energizes economiesg

Turning an idea into a business alternative, using technology, is the purpose with which Intel motivates young people around the world to create productive chains.

The University of California at Berkerley, considered one of the best institutions in the world, was the place where 27 teams of entrepreneurs were found that sought to convince a jury that their project was the best and to demonstrate why in each of their continents were Chosen to be in the Challenge of Technological Development, Ibtec, by its acronym in English, organized by Intel and the prestigious alma mater.

The prize of US $ 25,000 seemed to be of less importance to those intellectuals, who felt the enthusiasm to give more power to their idea and to look for people who are experts and interested in materializing the creations that during their study took up their knowledge. Teams from China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, India, the United States, Kuwait, Bulgaria, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Colombia arrived in Berkeley thanks to the winners of the Intel Challenge In each of its regions. This initiative, which is part of the four programs of social responsibility of the world's largest chip maker, convened only 241 projects in Latin America, six of which were selected to represent the continent.

Colombia was present in this privileged group of inventors with four countries that created the company Filsel (selective filtration), whose complex work is based on the manipulation of very small particles, through nanotechnology. José Fernando Naranjo (hydraulic engineer and administrator), Tomás Molina Mejía (administrator), José Luis Granados (design engineer) and Ángela Guerrero (lawyer) are the entrepreneurs who came to California to show a plant capable of recovering raw materials from Industrial processes, to avoid the contamination of rivers and to return the salt water.

A company with "green technology"

Computers, mobile devices and audio, image and video components are not the only spaces in which technology moves. The industrial processes and the concepts that today make the care of the planet today occupy a privileged space in the minds of those who through research look for an environment without pollution, but with inventions that can be made available to all for their price And utility.

That's how they thought about Filsel, worried that 90% of wastewater in developing countries is dumped without proper treatment, generating an environmental cost for Colombia of US $ 9 billion per year and for environmental taxes every time Higher costs that impact production.

Thus, what has been working for 35 years José Fernando today is to treat and filter the industrial wastewater to separate the compounds that are dissolved in it. Then, on the one hand water is recovered and on the other the raw materials that companies are dumping. For example, a beverage, dairy or food company uses caustic soda and a large percentage of that product does not react in the process, but in order to dump it, it is necessary to buy other components to neutralize it. The creation of Filsel recovers the soda that has not yet reacted and water, so that the company only throws what was actually spent. With this the idea is to reuse what it serves.

Tomás explains that with this process 100% of the pollution is controlled in an economic way and that generates profits to the company, because in the world exists the filtration, but they do not recover each one of the compounds as it does the invention of Filsel .

At the moment, the creation of the three Colombians is in the process of patenting the design of the filters and the material from which they are made, in addition to the concept of concentration of a product up to 100% and the extraction of water from a mixture In that same percentage.

In Colombia, water consumption has increased to 5.4 trillion cubic meters per year and this figure is expected to double by 2025. Of this expenditure, industries demand 13% of the liquid at present, hence the winning initiative of the Intel Challenge in the country, one of the six selected in Latin America and 27 in the world, is a true example of entrepreneurship Technology with great reach in the world.

A great show of creativity regardless of language or culture was what was seen in Berkeley, where dozens of young entrepreneurs who already generate employment and some publicly traded. The best thing is that Colombia showed its beginnings towards an economy of emprendimiento.

What are technology-based ventures?

The concept could be generalized as: organization designed to look for a business model that is scalable, repeatable and sustainable.

Thus, those that have a technological component in their value proposition, in the means they use to reach users or in the infrastructure developed to make the business work can be considered as technologically based enterprises.

Some of them pose completely technological solutions, such as the development and marketing of software as a service, applications or games.

Others use technology to solve problems that exist in the offline world, delivering value to customers through the combination of technology and activities carried out by people. An example of these are e-commerce platforms.

Here are some examples of startups made in Cordoba.

Clicky (Incutex)

It is one of the companies being incubated in Incutex. This project is developing a value proposition for athletes and sports complexes in Cordoba. It is a software that nucleates complexes of soccer, basketball, tennis, paddle, squash, pilates and spinning so that, through them, reservations can be made. He has a well balanced team in the technological and commercial area (Ezequiel Bucai, Gonzalo Conde and Alejandro Silvestre) and with a lot of commitment to develop the company. In a few weeks they will be launching the platform so that athletes can access and have already consolidated strategic alliances to provide a good service to users. It is a company that will solve real problems with a sustainable business model.

Insus (UNC Incubator)

Insus is a company dedicated to the development of technological systems for the agricultural sector. These systems allow producers to monitor and control via the Internet a wireless sensor network for the practice of precision agriculture. This technology allows collecting and processing climatological and soil information from the monitored areas, allowing a more efficient and sustainable use of resources. Currently, it is under the umbrella of the UNC. In addition, she was one of the winners of UNC Emprende (demo day), participated in Endeavor 2013 Experience and were one of the ones selected by Innovar 2013. They are culminating the prototype of sensor networks. Meanwhile, he was also selected by several national funding programs such as Mincyt, Sepyme, Min Education, etcetera.

Linguoo (DoingLabs)

Linguoo is a mobile application that allows you to manage and listen to news sources such as online newspapers, blogs, magazines and social networks. At this point, the startup is being incubated in DoingLabs. The tool was designed to enable people with low vision to manage and listen from online newspaper headlines to content published on blogs, including also updates on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. The project was also selected in the Innovar Competition among 1,700 projects, so it will be presenting at Tecnopolis. It is made up of an interdisciplinary team made up of system engineers, business administration graduates, designers, developers and broadcasters with one common goal: to create an application that keeps you informed about any topic imaginable.

Bixel Studio (UNC)

Bixel Studio is a company specialized in programming and marketing video games for Apple platforms. The company currently manages several projects of different sizes. Among his most important developments is "Cinema Fun", a 3D videogame with access to social networks for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The project was one of the winners of the "First Competition for the Development of Audiovisual Projects Complementing a Major Audiovisual Project to Dialogue with Multiple Platforms," of the Inca. The company is firmly committed to creating video games as a tool for communication and artistic development. Communicating, exciting, entertaining and passionate are some of the premises on which they work.

The Academic Entrepreneur: His Profile and Motivations to Become an Entrepreneur

The objective of this work is to analyze the development of academic offshoots, specifically in the study of the profile of the academic entrepreneur and what are his motivations to become an entrepreneur. The results show that academic entrepreneurs are high status researchers with a broad experience in research and with a level of scientific quality superior to the average of the collective of researchers from public universities. On the other hand, the analysis of entrepreneurial characteristics shows great differences between the academic entrepreneurs and those who work outside the academy. In addition, the results indicate that what drives the action of entrepreneurship in academia are the motivations related to scientific knowledge and its development. The other motivational groups considered are less relevant.

This study aims to analyze academic spin-offs, centering on academic entrepreneur profiles, and his or her motivations into becoming one.Results show that academic entrepreneurs are high status researchers, with wide research experience and scientific qualifications above the public universities research community. On the other hand, the analyses of entrepreneurial characteristics show big differences-among academic entrepreneurs and those entrepreneurs outside the academic environment. Furthermore, results that show the main drivers for academic entrepreneurship and scientific knowledge and its development. Other motivational drivers studied are less relevant.

Carlos Joaquín meets with businessmen, academics and cabinet

At that meeting, attended by civil society organizations, academics, businessmen and cabinet of the State Government; Also was present the founder and president of the Salinas Group, Ricardo Salinas Pliego.

Carlos Joaquín, eight months of correcting the course of the State

"We have taken eight months to build that road that will lead us to correct the direction of Quintana Roo, with the fight against corruption and impunity, to reduce inequality, to give more and better opportunities to people," said Governor Carlos Joaquin.

The Governor of Quintana Roo stressed that globalization of the economy and technological transformation are causing rapid and fundamental changes in our society.

"The products and the use of the technologies contribute to generate better living conditions for the people, therefore we promote a modern, reliable, orderly, safe and modern Quintana Roo with opportunities for all," he said.

Governor Carlos Joaquin also indicated that with socially responsible companies, more and better paid jobs are generated, hence in Quintana Roo, sustainable economic growth is promoted between the north and the south to reduce the gap of inequality that causes so much damage to people.

Goal, decrease inequality

The Governor of Quintana Roo, citing figures from the Pan American Health Organization that mark inequalities in Latin America, said that the institution is working to reduce that gap of inequality.

With actions such as the "Doctor in Your House" program that brings quality health care services to people and reduces the lag in the supply of medicines in health clinics, today having a timely care with the supply of prescriptions.

Carlos Joaquín pointed out that limiting the participation of people only to a commercial and / or business sector is limited to economic growth, therefore, since the government of change, more and better opportunities are offered to entrepreneurs in matters of regulatory improvement.

In addition to credits to the word that women are entrepreneurs, business incubators for the young and strengthens the productive activity of the countryside, which allows to diversify the economy and not rely solely on tourism.

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The president of the Salinas Group, Ricardo Salinas, emphasized that Governor Carlos Joaquín is a capable and honest governor, but he can not be left alone in the public administration, so he recommended that citizens and the business sector must work hand in hand To promote a solid and well-organized society.

The academic entrepreneur

The objective of this work is to analyze the development of academic spin-offs, specifically in the study of the profile of the academic entrepreneur and what are his motivations to become an entrepreneur. The results show that academic entrepreneurs are high status researchers with a wide experience in research and with a level of scientific quality above the average of the collective of researchers from public universities. On the other hand, the analysis of the entrepreneurial characteristics shows great differences between the academic entrepreneurs and those who undertake outside the academy. In addition, the results indicate that what motivates the action of undertaking in the academy are the motivations related to scientific knowledge and its development. The other groups of motivations considered are less relevant.

This study aims to analyze academic spin-offs, centering on academic entrepreneur profiles, and his or her motivations into becoming one.

Results show that academic entrepreneurs are high status researchers, with wide research experience and scientific qualifications above the public universities research community. On the other hand, the analyzes of entrepreneurial characteristics show great differences among academic entrepreneurs and those entrepreneurs outside the academic environment. Furthermore, results show that the main drivers for academic entrepreneurship are scientific knowledge and its development. Other motivational drivers studied are less relevant.

Profitable business related technology

The possibilities are limitless, so I share a list of business ideas in this line that will surely expand your entrepreneurial vision:
Applications related to Information Technology. Information is probably one of the most important assets for corporate competitiveness. Whoever has the right information at the right time has great advantages. Developing systems that help companies to have that information reliably is a good business.
Software solutions. Computer programs or custom software have been and will continue to be profitable business alternatives. If you have programming skills you can set up a development company that can offer solutions in this field.
Digital illiteracy. The same technology boom in all fields and in the company makes people want to train more and better every day on topics such as: Internet, computing, social networks, use of office programs, etc. Setting up an academy to deliver personalized courses is still an excellent business opportunity.
Solutions for electric power generation. A latent need around the world with a high commercial potential for the present and the future has to do with the development of new sources of renewable energy such as residential solar energy.
Internet Radios. Every day there are more radios that want to be on the Internet and you can for this to set up a company specialized in offering this solution.
Integration of personal computers. The PCs or personal computers are more and more indispensable every day and either for entertainment or for work the demand of these equipment grows every day more. Household indices with computers especially in Latin America remain very low to date, which represents for entrepreneurs great opportunities to do business. If you want to know more about the business of the computer stores click on this link.
The business of video games. One of the business segments that generates millions of dollars and that continues to grow is that of video games and the big manufacturers know it. The innovative consoles and the infinity of fun games make this a great business. Did you know that Mario Bros is the icon of a millionaire business ?.
Mobile applications. The cell phone business is still growing and nothing seems to stop them. The merger between increasingly sophisticated software applications and communication tools seems to be the perfect formula in this business. However users are thirsty for more applications for work and entertainment. Developing mobile apps can be a profitable business.
Security solutions. People, businesses and nations want more and more security. Developing solutions to ensure it can open different business niches for entrepreneurs. From the implementation of applications to establish controls to the installation of devices of different kinds like cameras or sensors, security is an interesting source of income.
Additionally you will find infinite opportunities to implement technological solutions in diverse fields and daily necessities:
Pet locator technology
New technological methods for learning and support of disabled people
Solutions for improvement in agriculture
Technology for purification and use of water
Solutions to save costs in the company
New devices for school education
Ideas to improve and promote recycling
Business Ideas for Environmental Services
Robotics, a niche with high potential barely exploited in Latin America

As you can see in this article, I intend to open your eyes to these enormous opportunities. The first step, as in every business is to take an idea and shape it through a business plan and accompanied by a budget according to your level and investment possibilities.
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